Våren vår står i vannets tegn. De siste dagene har i alle fall vært særdeles våte! Mandag så vi endelig ei storkobbe på et isflak langt der ute. Og fristelsen ble stor. Einar er vant med isflakhopping fra det store ishav. Dermed var det bare å kle seg i hvitkamoklær og hoppe i gang. Fra flak til flak gikk det, og snart var vi faktisk på skuddhold til dyret. Det ble bom. Men kanskje var det like greit? Veien hjem var nemlig ikke like lett. To ivrige jegere fant fort ut at flakene var på drift, til tross for vindstille vær. Overlevelsedrakter er gode å ha når man må legge på svøm i isvann. Med isøks i den ene hånda og geværet i andre, var vi litt av et syn. Pulk med flere hundre kilo kjøtt på slep kunne fort blitt jobbigt! Men vi var snart på fast grunn og kunne stampe oss opp dypsnøen til ei varm hytte. En artig tur hadde vi uansett hatt! Dagen derpå hadde østavinden gjort sitt og draktene kom på igjen. Nå var fjorden isfri på vår side, og det var dags for å sjøsette båten. På grunn av problemer med kjølinga på motoren, ble turen kort. Men så innbød heller ikke haglebyger og vind til langtur. Det er lite som minner om sommertid her oppe. MEN vi hadde et par timer med sol her om dagen, og da kom årets første ærfugl labbende opp for å inspisere barflekkene. Fuglene har fortsatt ikke lagt seg på redet, men de tasser stadig oppom oss. Parvis to og to vasser de seg bortover snøflatene med hunnens klukkende ”gakkgakkgakk” og hannens rolige ”oooaa”. Trivelige naboer. Og snart blir det kanskje egg å få!
Wet wet wet
The last days have been “wet wet wet” in more than one way… Monday we tried to reach a bearded seal lying on the driftice. But as the ice was not steady all the way, we had to jump. Getting out there was OK. Getting back home was more like a challenge! Despite calm weather, the ice was drifting fast enough to break up our “path”. Instead of jumping, we now had to swim. With ice axes and a pulkas with hunting equipment, we must have been quite a funny sight! In situations like this survival suits are important “lifesavers”. Without them, an excursion like this would have been more than exciting… Anyway, we managed to get home, quite happy that we did not shoot the seal. Getting the meat home would have been a huge job! The day after all the ice was gone. Eastern winds have opened our side of the fiord, so today we got the boat out. The cooling on the engine did not work very well, so the trip became short. We have to figure out the engine problems before going on any trip. But wind and hail did not tempt us to go far anyway… There is not much feeling of summer up here. BUT the eider ducks recently started to walk around the hut looking for bare patches. Funny to see the birds stumble around in the snow chatting “oooaa” and “gakkgakkgakk”. Maybe soon we will have some fresh eggs…
The last days have been “wet wet wet” in more than one way… Monday we tried to reach a bearded seal lying on the driftice. But as the ice was not steady all the way, we had to jump. Getting out there was OK. Getting back home was more like a challenge! Despite calm weather, the ice was drifting fast enough to break up our “path”. Instead of jumping, we now had to swim. With ice axes and a pulkas with hunting equipment, we must have been quite a funny sight! In situations like this survival suits are important “lifesavers”. Without them, an excursion like this would have been more than exciting… Anyway, we managed to get home, quite happy that we did not shoot the seal. Getting the meat home would have been a huge job! The day after all the ice was gone. Eastern winds have opened our side of the fiord, so today we got the boat out. The cooling on the engine did not work very well, so the trip became short. We have to figure out the engine problems before going on any trip. But wind and hail did not tempt us to go far anyway… There is not much feeling of summer up here. BUT the eider ducks recently started to walk around the hut looking for bare patches. Funny to see the birds stumble around in the snow chatting “oooaa” and “gakkgakkgakk”. Maybe soon we will have some fresh eggs…
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