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Flying start
Einar got a flying start on his month in Mushamna! And by this, I do not think about his helicopter arrival, but all the things we managed to do during his first days here. The bad weather I had before Einar came, had given us perfect snow conditions for both scooter and ski. Of course we had to take advantage of this. And the sun was shining as well! It was hard to choose what to do first; hunt, ski, get the boat out… We decided to look for seal first of all, and already on Einars first afternoon in Mushamna we spotted seal on the Laguna. Our first hunt attempts did not turn our very well, so we went back to the station to fix scooter instead. With mechanical support by phone, we managed to get the Widetrak going. And this we had to celebrate! We JUST managed to drive up Ottobreen and down to the spring in Vatnedalen. It is always amazing to come across to my neighbor fiord Wijdefjorden. There is so much wildlife there! We saw a lot of goose and Eider, and also some reindeers. So now we have fresh reindeer meat… It was still enough snow to drive back via Gråhuken, and I could show Einar our whole area in perfect conditions! Midnight sun already turned our day upside-down, as we made the dishes at three o’clock in the night. But the next morning was grey, so it was OK to sleep in. Next big project was cleaning out the oven. It has been working very poor lately, and obviously I needed a clever mind to find all the removable bits and pieces. It was of course, geniously easy. Now the Rosa Petra stove is in perfect shape for baking! As we finished the job, the sun came out. And again we went to look for seals. This time we managed to shoot a ringed seal and Einar could show me his great skinning skills. We decided to tan the skin, and that really gave us a big job removing all the blubber. We deserved a nice climb to Tårnfjellet after all this. Perfect snow and a great view! In the end of the day, we could enjoy boiled seal “legs” with fresh potatoes. Yummi. As the weather still was nice on Einars third day here, we could continue the sealskin work outside, preparing it in various solutions. My foxes could hang out in the sun, while we went for a run with the dogs. Followed by lunch and barbeque dinner in the sun, it is hard to know how a trapper life can be better.
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