Onsdag 3. September våknet vi til 15 cm nysnø og perfekte forhold for skikjøring ned rennene med snø fra i fjor. Men det hadde vi ikke tid til! Kamikaze lå i fjæra mens bølgene slo ubønnhørlig. Ankertauet hadde røket og båten var skylt på land. På med draktene for å berge ham!! Etter to timer var vi våte som dupper. Bølgene slo over båten og inn i våre åpne drakter. Brrr… Men Kamikaze sto standhaftig på grunn. Det var ikke annet å gjøre enn å vente på neste høyvann. Da fikk vi båten utpå, og heldigvis var motoren like hel. Latskapen lenge leve: Dagen før vurderte vi å flytte Kamikaze til Laguna for å unngå nettopp dette! Neste dag var Larsen oppe klokka fem (!) for å hente båten og sette den i tørrdokk for å drenere kjølen. Nå er Kamikaze friskmeldt og Torkels kontorrotteimage står for fall. Han er bare for lat til å gjøre kjedelige ting! Karen er praktiker så det duger bare han vil! Artig å se.

Om kvelden måtte vi benytte oss av sporsnøen. I Verdalen fant vi alle dyra! Nise, reinsdyr, rev, gås og isbjørn. Prioriteringa var ikke vanskelig. Etter to timers sniking falt ei simle og jeg slakta for første gang helt alene mens Torkel lette etter ankringsplass. Uheldigvis lå hanskene mine igjen i båten, så et kutt på en fingeren ble infisert. Fingeren ble stor som ei pølse! Da passet det bra at Nordstjernen kom innom dagen etter. Det var et cruise jeg egentlig ergret meg over å ikke vite om tidligere, men enden på visa var god. 108 Svalbardfolk entret Mushamna, mens guide Anna Lena fant sykepleiere blant gjestene og sendte meg om bord i båten. På broa kommanderte vi gutta til medisinskapet, og snart fikk jeg drenere såret med skalpell under kyndig assistanse og rensing. Antibiotika ble foreskrevet via lege i Longyear. Jeg ble litt skeptisk på om fenomenet spekkfinger kan skje fra andre slakt enn sel, men nå er jeg i alle fall mer forsiktig. Samme kveld holdt jeg hanskene godt på mens jeg slaktet ringsel. Jeg har fått et pittelite innblikk i Oddbjørns antibiotikakvalme og fingerfrykt, men Mushamnas dårlige omen angående fingre skal ta slutt pronto.

Torkel fangstassistent og jeg var meget fornøyde med rein, sel, sjøfugl og fisk på ett døgn. Vi fungerer nå utmerket som fangstteam, og tenker så likt at det nesten er skummelt. Men vi er mer effektive enn noen sinne og trives godt i lag. Og det er bra, for mye skal gjøres før vinteren! Likevel lot vi lørdagen være hellig og unte oss en hviledag for å slikke våre sår og stelle vår helse. Kjell fra Airlift og Anna Lena fra Nordtsjerna har gitt oss store bærenett med frukt, grønnsaker, aviser og blader. Til Torkels store glede sier Norsk Ukeblad at sjokolade er bra mot forkjølelse, Og siden vi alle vet at rødvin er bra for hjertet, lå det an til en bra dag på sofaen ispedd kulinariske gleder med reinsdyrhjerte, selkjøtt med sopp i fløtesaus samt frisk salat og tomat. Mmmm. Hvilken luksus. Life is not hard at all in the Arctic…
Hectic autumn at the station
The summary of last week includes marine observations, visitors from Sysselmannen and peak period for hunting and fishing. And the snow came. After one week of frosty nights, the ground and water reservoirs were already frozen. The third of September winter was here with 15cm of fresh, dry snow. Wish I could go skiing! But not this day. Torkel’s Buster XXL “Kamikaze” was ashore. The rope at the anchor was off, and the boat was well placed on sand. Despite the survival suits, we were both soaked after a two hours long fight with the waves. Luckily we succeeded getting the boat out on the next high tide. And the engine was running perfectly..!
More action was about to happen on the beach, as a group of Belugas started to dine 15 meters from the shoreline. Amazing how they swam back and forth for hours. Animals in all ages, including the darker young ones. We saw similar behavior on some animals further south in the fiord. This time we think it was white-beaked dolphins? We saw a group of them out on the fiord the day before.
We also had many human visitors coming from the sea. A group from Sysselmannen (The governor of Svalbard, which owns this hut) came by. We served them a meal of beermarinated arctic trout, and also a smoked version of the fish. So now Mushamna has four stars in The Mischellin guide! They almost promised me that I can use one seat at the helicopter that will come here in mid December. I really hope it will happen, as this will solve my problem of getting somebody to stay with me during the dark season. Exciting. Nordstjerna came by with 110 visitors the day after. I escaped to the boat and got medical help for an infected finger. Great timing! The guide brought us loads of fresh fruits, milk and magazines. Not bad.
As this is the peak time of getting food for the winter, we spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. Torkel and I work as a good team! I do the hunting, while he drives the boat. This week we got a reindeer, one ringed seal and some seabirds for fox bate. We also got some arctic trout - even under the ice! Torkel broke the ice and made a “road” for the net. Later the same day, I crawled on the same ice and got the net loose. Must have been a funny sight, -two big orange new species, well adapted to the Polar regions…
More action was about to happen on the beach, as a group of Belugas started to dine 15 meters from the shoreline. Amazing how they swam back and forth for hours. Animals in all ages, including the darker young ones. We saw similar behavior on some animals further south in the fiord. This time we think it was white-beaked dolphins? We saw a group of them out on the fiord the day before.
We also had many human visitors coming from the sea. A group from Sysselmannen (The governor of Svalbard, which owns this hut) came by. We served them a meal of beermarinated arctic trout, and also a smoked version of the fish. So now Mushamna has four stars in The Mischellin guide! They almost promised me that I can use one seat at the helicopter that will come here in mid December. I really hope it will happen, as this will solve my problem of getting somebody to stay with me during the dark season. Exciting. Nordstjerna came by with 110 visitors the day after. I escaped to the boat and got medical help for an infected finger. Great timing! The guide brought us loads of fresh fruits, milk and magazines. Not bad.
As this is the peak time of getting food for the winter, we spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. Torkel and I work as a good team! I do the hunting, while he drives the boat. This week we got a reindeer, one ringed seal and some seabirds for fox bate. We also got some arctic trout - even under the ice! Torkel broke the ice and made a “road” for the net. Later the same day, I crawled on the same ice and got the net loose. Must have been a funny sight, -two big orange new species, well adapted to the Polar regions…
1 kommentar:
Tusen takk for at du deler dine dagligdagse og spennende opplevelser som fangskvinne på Mushamna. Vi følger med. Hilsen Morten og Veronika Sund, Harstad (www.mortensund.piczo.com)
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