Oktobers siste dag kom med 30 knop fra sørøst og blåste all snøen til havs. Kanskje vi må bruke beina uansett! Nå som vi er tilbake i sedvanlig gråvær, er det lite å se til det fantastiske blålyset. Men det er likevel overraskende lyst der ute. Summa summarum har jo Svalbard mer lys enn de fleste! Faktisk 1000 timer mer lys i året enn Mekka, i følge forsker Jon Børre Ørbæk. Vi er nå i tussmørkeperioden med sola 6 grader under horisonten store deler av dagen. Det er enda to uker til vi har konstant natt. Men selv da vil snøen reflektere 90 % av alt lyset. Til sammenligning vil en mørk flate absorbere 90% av lyset. Derfor er mørket her oppe er tross alt litt mindre mørkt enn ellers! Vi glergruer oss til mørketiden. I vår ensomme verden venter nok både litt skumle navigasjonsturer – og mange uendelig vakre turer under stjernehimmel og nordlys. Håper på flest av de siste!
Dawn light
The second last day of October started sudden with barking from the dog Tuna. A polar bear was right next to her, but luckily he ran as soon as I yelled at him. After comforting Tuna, she would prefer to follow me inside the house! But the old, cool lady calmed down pretty fast. We were happy she got us up so early, because the day was beautiful! Days with clear skies have not been plentiful. This day we could enjoy reddish light over the peaks in the south as we climbed the mountain behind the hut. Excellent powder snow for skiing! Although only rocks under. Aouch! Afterwards we enjoyed excellent skiing with the dogs, before we decided to make a fire in the Sauna. Unfortunately we understood why it hasn’t been in use the last years, but with some modifications we might get it warm enough to sweat a bit. The day ended with Aurora in the sky. Not bad for a day. But the morning after was just as windy as usually. 30 knots from the southeast blew all the snow to the sea…
Due cloudy skies we have not seen much of the magnificent blue light that you might see up here during this month. But even with clouds and no sun, there are still many hours of light during the day. It is a kind of dawn light as the sun is now six degrees under the horizon most of the day. According to the scientist Jon Børre Ørbæk, Spitsbergen has 1000 hours more light during the year than the city of Mekka! It is still two weeks until it is completely dark all day. But even then the snow reflects 90 % of the light and make it seem lighter than it is. Dark areas with no snow would absorb the same amount of light. Still we are both “fearing” and looking forward to the dark season. We hope for many days and nights with stars and Aurora…
1 kommentar:
Hei Linda
så spennende år du er inne i. Trivelig å lese og misunner deg nok litt ja. Holder meg til Femundsmarka inntil videre, men kanskje når ungene er litt større!
Hilsen fra gammelnabo attme kaiå
Anne N.
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