English versions follows
The story of a Bøttekott!
Do you think this is the room for the cleaners? Oh now, its Bendik’s flat! In Ny-Ålesund there are people with funny fantasies, creativity, equipment and abilities. Some hours of work made a nice flat into a tiny “kott” with detergents, brooms and buckets. When Bendik came home from his meeting in Korea, he was met by surprise. – Where the f--- is my flat? No entrance was
to be seen. Where his flat used to be, there were only a tiny room and a broom. So now what? In anger he ran down the stairs, out in the darkness and back to Steinars office. – What on earth have the leadership in Kings Bay allowed this time? A total rebuilding of the house while Bendik was away? Steinar was informed about the little joke, and it was impossible for him not to burst into total admittance. He knew his people have been out fixing things on their own… Three minutes later three guilty persons ran up to Bendiks’ flat, tore out the little room and cleaned up everything. Soon after Bendik could enter his home with his bags. But not before we all had a big laugh at the dinner table in the Mess. Now Bendik is laughing and enjoying the little movie we made from the scene. But some of us fear his revenge more than we fear polar ![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg5JHRInHybyMUO0u1ZFdYsixp0QqtpW4kv3IxnoRYhNYWx_j1IzT_XpzLtOF9dWQqG8ki95BxsgHhbZ_CQv6ApBTPqV9C0zomRbIEx7od59OlkoUnJMvag51KSmWwwu_weH8AHPXz8ASrG/s320/0911+IV+005.JPG)
Trodde du dette var et bøttekott? Å neida, det er Bendiks lille hjem! I Ny-Ålesund finnes mennesker med mye fantasi - og ferdigheter til å sette dem ut i livet! Da forskningsleder Bendik kom hjem fra møte i Korea, ble han forskrekket. Da han åpnet døren til sin koselige leilighet, gikk han rett inn i et bøttekott! Utslagsvask, bøtter, kluter og vaskemiddel. Alt var autentisk. Men Bendik ante ingen råd. – Hvor er mitt hjem? Irritert lette han etter en alternativ inngang, men intet var å oppdrive. Kottet var potte tett. Arg tok han vesken i hånd og marsjerte bort hålka og opp trappa til driftleder Steinars kontor. Makan på frekkhet. Kings Bay kunne vel ikke bygge om hele kåken mens husbonden var på jobbreise? Herr Grimsmo hadde ingen mulighet til å holde maska da en olm Bendik i reiseklær sto klar til å stramme opp sjefen for driftsavdelinga. Årets beste practial joke var avslørt og avblåst. Leende stormet tre tullinger opp trappa på Italia for å rive ned kunstverket, ”åpne” Bendiks leilighet og fjerne alle spor etter ugagn. Syv minutter etter ljomet latteren over langbordet i
Messa. En hjemkommet Halgunseth moret seg godt mens historien ble fortalt over middagsmaten. Vi håper og tror at trønderen vil spre mye latter og glede på basis av vår lille spøk. Men vi gruer oss litt på hans søte hevn...
The story of a Bøttekott!
Do you think this is the room for the cleaners? Oh now, its Bendik’s flat! In Ny-Ålesund there are people with funny fantasies, creativity, equipment and abilities. Some hours of work made a nice flat into a tiny “kott” with detergents, brooms and buckets. When Bendik came home from his meeting in Korea, he was met by surprise. – Where the f--- is my flat? No entrance was
2 kommentarer:
Haha:) Fantastisk bra :)
HÆ-HÆ-HÆ !! Me like :-)
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