Hunder innendørs er stor stas for ei stund. Men ikke for ofte. Særlig ikke når det er isbjørn i nærheten! Vel ute igjen tok det bare en times tid før Tuna varslet bjørn. Vi hadde nettopp gått inn etter nordlysfotografering og snømåking. Noe bamse hadde vi slett ikke sett! Men etter et par runder ned på brinken så vi synderne: Nedenfor Nøisbua sto ei binne med to unger. Etter noen plaff med signalpenna, tuslet de seg sørover stranda. Trioen var her første gang for to dager siden. Nå håper vi de ikke blir gjengangere! Jeg er svært spent på å se hvordan fellerekka langs sjøen ser ut. Nedisa, full av snø og rasert av bamse? Kanskje best å ta juleferie noen dager til…
Arctic Christmas spirit
Our Arctic Christmas is peacefully passing by. We sleep when we are tired, and eat all the time! We found huge amounts of coffee, sweets and amusements under the Christmas tree. And as the winds have been blowing constantly outside the window, we could stay on the sofa all day, reading new books and watching new movies. I have even “attended” Elin and Stains wedding! A happy happening. The dogs were not too happy though. No ski trips! Only some minutes of cuddling every now and then. I guess they were sick of looking into our warm, cozy hut! But today we finally invited them in. They all had some ice in the fur after red temperatures and rain followed by chill and snow. Today they could all melt and dry up. During four hours the five of us were sleeping on the floor in the living room; amongst us Tuna, happily sleeping in the arms of Endre ;-) Oh, yes, they are spoilt! But this indoor thing will not happen too often. Because of several reasons, of course, but most of all due the polar bear danger. After we took the dogs out again, we spent one hour digging snow and trying to catch the Aurora with our cameras. Just as we got inside, Tuna was barking. We went down to the sea twice before we could see why. A Polar Bear with two cubs were quietly “hiding” by Nøisbua. After a few flares from the signal pistol, they strolled down the beach. It is two days since we saw them the first time. Hopefully they will not visit us too often! Now I am quite worried about my fox traps. Are they all full of ice and snow – AND crashed by the Polar bears? Puh… Maybe I should hope for bad weather and postpone trapping until 2009…
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