På selveste 8. mars - kvinnedagen OG Ny-Ålesunds første soldag - kom fruktflyet. I kasser og esker kom tomater, appelsiner og andre langveisfarende. Salat etc. gikk vi tom for i januar. De få youghurtboksene som er igjen, jafser vi fortsatt i oss selv om datostempelet viser 23. desember. Vi følte jo liksom det var litt luksus. Men til lunsj 8. mars fikk vi virkelig smake luksus! Ferske varer kom med fraktfly fra Tromsø og videre til Ny-Ålesund. Kiloprisen blir deretter, men smilene rundt lunsjbordet var nær sagt ubetalelige. Overraskede og blide mennesker smilte om kapp med sola vi aldri så. Overskyet vær på soldagen betyr lite mot knasende agurk, søte druer og forførende ananas når det er to-tre måneder siden sist...
Fresh fruits!
Tuesday 8th of March Kings Bay gave us a pleasant surprise. As we unloaded the plane, we realized it was full of fresh fruits and vegetables! The last boat was in early December and we haven't tasted salads and tomatoes for two months. Suddenly we had cucumber, pineapple, grapes, almost everything! The transportation of goods with plane from Tromsø via Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund is expensive. But I think the smile on peoples faces was worth billions! Not even clouds on the first day of sun could brake the good spirit. Yummi!
Tuesday 8th of March Kings Bay gave us a pleasant surprise. As we unloaded the plane, we realized it was full of fresh fruits and vegetables! The last boat was in early December and we haven't tasted salads and tomatoes for two months. Suddenly we had cucumber, pineapple, grapes, almost everything! The transportation of goods with plane from Tromsø via Longyearbyen to Ny-Ålesund is expensive. But I think the smile on peoples faces was worth billions! Not even clouds on the first day of sun could brake the good spirit. Yummi!
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