Den siste uka har vi fått bra sving på fangsten og skutt både rein, sel og fasan. Bruslettoknivene har virkelig kommet til sin rett! Torkel og jeg fungerer utmerket som fangstteam.
Vi ble begge litt sjuke av lange dager og hard fangsting. Det ble derfor et par hviledager på stasjonen og endelig tid til å lese aviser og ukeblad vi har fått fra besøkende. Mye interessant, men Mor Hubros muffins med tyttebær og camambert er absolutt IKKE å anbefale. Ikke noe å servere besøkende! Men det slipper vi uansett å bekymre oss over. Trond og Carl Petter vurderte å tøye båtsesongen for å komme opp med videokamera + hjelpe meg med noen småting. Men vær og vind satte foreløpig stopper for både dem og Torkels hjemreise. Det siste er i grunnen like greit, for det er utrolig kjekt å være to her! Litt uggent å gå vente på den andres tilbakekomst dersom ting tar lengre tid enn planlangt. Men veldig stas å vite man blir to til middag og at man kan dele opplevelser og gleder. Beklager til eks-kollegaer i Kings Bay som venter på lønna si, men jeg håper Torkel blir værfast lenge!
For øvrig hadde jeg håpet på Indian summer så Oddbjørn skulle få en ”smak av sommeren” her. Men dessverre blir det ikke noe av høstbesøket vi hadde planlangt. Nå må han stri med operasjon og opptrening av finger med ukentlig oppfølging fra Tromsø. Vi som har fingre krysser dem for at det skal gå bra! Og nå skal vi passe fingrene våre for kverna. I dag er nemlig den store pølsemakerdagen! Spennende…
Indian summer
As soon as we got used to snow and frozen water, an Indian summer came to Mushamna. Now we have incredible 12 degrees outside! The snow is melting and we can enjoy lunch outside. Really comfortable, but also a bit of a worry concerning all the fresh meat and fish we want to conserve. The last week we shot reindeer, ringed seal and rabbit (!) ;-). Torkel and I work as a good team. I kill and he is in charge of the logistics. Kamikaze is now running well and spends every night in the Laguna to be protected from wind and waves. So everything is running smoothly.
We are also a good team in the house and at various jobs. There are a lot of funny situations when we try to do all the things we don’t know how to do. It would have been fantastic children TV! A funny idea. Torkel is a perfect “uncle”!
All in all we have a great time here, and it is really nice to have a friend to share all the experiences with. Luckily the weather is so bad now, that he has to stay a bit longer than planned. Sorry for your wages, my dear x-colleagues of Kings Bay! But I hope the weather stays bad for a while…!
Unfortunately Oddbjørn has to go to the hospital in Tromsø every week because of his finger. Therefore he cannot come for an autumn visit as planned. A pity. But fingers crossed for his finger! My finger is almost well again now, so I just hope it will survive the sausagemaking we will start now. Will be exciting…!!
For øvrig hadde jeg håpet på Indian summer så Oddbjørn skulle få en ”smak av sommeren” her. Men dessverre blir det ikke noe av høstbesøket vi hadde planlangt. Nå må han stri med operasjon og opptrening av finger med ukentlig oppfølging fra Tromsø. Vi som har fingre krysser dem for at det skal gå bra! Og nå skal vi passe fingrene våre for kverna. I dag er nemlig den store pølsemakerdagen! Spennende…
Indian summer
As soon as we got used to snow and frozen water, an Indian summer came to Mushamna. Now we have incredible 12 degrees outside! The snow is melting and we can enjoy lunch outside. Really comfortable, but also a bit of a worry concerning all the fresh meat and fish we want to conserve. The last week we shot reindeer, ringed seal and rabbit (!) ;-). Torkel and I work as a good team. I kill and he is in charge of the logistics. Kamikaze is now running well and spends every night in the Laguna to be protected from wind and waves. So everything is running smoothly.
We are also a good team in the house and at various jobs. There are a lot of funny situations when we try to do all the things we don’t know how to do. It would have been fantastic children TV! A funny idea. Torkel is a perfect “uncle”!
All in all we have a great time here, and it is really nice to have a friend to share all the experiences with. Luckily the weather is so bad now, that he has to stay a bit longer than planned. Sorry for your wages, my dear x-colleagues of Kings Bay! But I hope the weather stays bad for a while…!
Unfortunately Oddbjørn has to go to the hospital in Tromsø every week because of his finger. Therefore he cannot come for an autumn visit as planned. A pity. But fingers crossed for his finger! My finger is almost well again now, so I just hope it will survive the sausagemaking we will start now. Will be exciting…!!
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