What is happening in Ny-Ålesund?

Dag flytter fjell - Dag is removing "mountains" to save the boats in the harbour!
Flyene kommer og går - planes come and go...!
Dogs have been put on the scale for a new worm treatment (just in case!).
We can skate at Solvatn!

The cargo boat has been here...
Noorderlicht and Jan Mayen came to visit.
Renovating of the Amundsen Villa. The work will finish during the winter and the house will be reopened in May.
Egil Øystein og resten av gjengen i Sandmo og Svenkerud jobber på for å ferdigstille det nye lagerhuset (mellom Renseverket og den gamle kraftstasjonen). Bygget skal romme lagerplass for forskerne.
The new storage for scientific equipment is soon ready for use!
Dogs have been put on the scale for a new worm treatment (just in case!).
We can skate at Solvatn!
The cargo boat has been here...
Noorderlicht and Jan Mayen came to visit.
Renovating of the Amundsen Villa. The work will finish during the winter and the house will be reopened in May.
To hvitkinngjess ser døden i hvitøyet i Ny-Ålesund. Den ene har skadet bein og makkeren holder seg trofast ved dens side.
Høyt henger de?! Linda skifter pære på hinderlys i byen.
The new storage for scientific equipment is soon ready for use!
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