Work, work and work...
English version follows...
Work, work and work all dagen through
Work, work and work it's nok to doSo many boats and people, too
It is so much, Oh, skrækk og gru!Ja, it's hard to be a harbour"man"
oooja, it's hard to work at harbour...Dagene flyr på kaia i Ny-Ålesund. Store og små fartøy kommer og går døgnet rundt. De største trenger hjelp til trosser og diverse. De minste trenger vann, diesel etc. Vi er tre stk som deler på vaktholdet, hvor hver enkelt går vakt fra 08-22:00 ei uke i slengen. I tillegg jobber vi alle tre normale arbeidsdager og må steppe inn når det trengs. Ingen dag er lik, og innimellom båtene styrer vi med diverse hjullasterkjøring, søppel etc. En sjelden gang tar vi oss tid til et kjapt måltid om bord i en cruisebåt; særlig når vi ikke rekker våre egne måltider i Messa! Men dessverre
The days at Ny-Ålesund harbour is busy. Ships come at all hours; some small sailboats, other huge cruiseships with thousands of passengers. It is more than enough to do for the three of us working at the harbour. The big ships need hell from four people and one mooring boat when they approach the pier. Other boats manage everything on their own, and all we have to do is to provide them water and diesel. All boats have to pay a harbour fee that partly pays the bill for the scientists that are here. Without the cruise ships, the cost for the day would be far too much for most scientists that work here... This is unfortunate because the cruise shi
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