Det er kaldt på Svalbard! I Ny
-Ålesund har det blåst katt og kaniner i mange dager. Selv om sola skinner, er det kun goretex og ullgenser som teller. Med to-tre plussgrader i lufta, har vindkjølinga vært nede i minus 12 grader. Ikke varmt i det hele tatt! Likevel er jeg snål nok til å oppsøke vinteren. Selv etter ett år med ”konstant vinter” lokker hvitkledde fjellsider. Sammen med andre galninger i Ny-Ålesund, har det blitt skitur både til Feiring- og Zeppelinfjellet. Kalde fingre og dårlig skiføre til tross, er turopplevelsene gode! Men jeg er glad vi ikke har like mye snø som Tove og ”hønseflokken vår”… Les Toves rapport fra Mushamna!
Ærfugl i snøen!!!
I går kveld klagde jeg litt for meg selv over at snøbygene hadde gått til og fra det meste av dagen, og lurte til og med på om snøen kom til å legge seg. Utpå kvelden hadde den faktisk det oppi fj

Jeg har fylt 5 store vanndunker med tung nysnø fra kun en bitteliten radius fra hytta, og det er vel det eneste positive jeg kan finne med denne snøen. De stakkars ærfuglvenninnene mine som ruger, ser jeg bare som små svarte prikker bortover tundraen - bare litt av hodene deres og nebbet er synlige. Har vært veldig forsiktig med å bevege meg rundt omkring, for det beste for dem er vel at de får ligge i ro under snødynene sine, tror jeg, og ikke bli skremt opp fra sine lune "hi" av en bekymret Fangstdame-Vikar!
Lurer på hvordan det går med rødnebbternene...! De er jo så små at de blir sikkert helt begravd i denne mengden med snø. Eller i alle fall eggene deres! De er jo irriterende, men det er jo likevel synd om all deres iherdighet var helt forgjeves! Fra en pålitelig kilde (Geir Wing Gabrielsen - fugleforsker)hører jeg imidlertid at småfuglene likevel kan overleve. Uffameg - jeg håper Geir har rett - og at venninnene mine berger både seg selv og sine små!
Til og med Rusk og Bajas sturer, og Bajas har sågar tilbrakt flere timer inne i huset sitt! Det er jo ellers ikke ofte det skjer! De eneste som virker å være muntre og upåvirket av snøfallet, er snøspurvene som hopper fornøyd rundt omkring! Men den bekymrede Fangstdame-Assistent-Vikaren håper på varmere vær og rask snøsmelting! Hilsen fra svært vinterlige Mushamna midt på sommeren!
Snowy summer
The Spitsbergen summer is quite chilly! In Ny-Ålesund we’ve had several days of sun – and heavy winds from
Wintertime in Mushamna!
Yesterday evening I was complaining a bit for myself looking at the snow that kept coming during the day! I was even wondering if it might stay in the ground after a while, as it already did in the mountain hills. After 5-6 hours of sleep, I glanced through the window - and shouted ojojojoj!!! Outside the landscape was all totally white, and absolutely nothing reminded of summer! The view from the window indicated March or April instead of 20th July. The fjord is nearly covered by ice as long as I can see and there is a white carpet covering everything! I measured the new snow to 15 cm at th
e south side of the cabin which is the side sheltered from the wind.
During the day, the temperature has risen from minus 1 to plus 1, but it is still snowing! I have gathered a lot of new snow for water - which is the only positive thing about all this! My poor eider-girlfriends who stay stubbornly in their nests I can see as small black spots in the white - only their little heads are visible! I have moved around very carefully today, as I suppose the birds are better off under their white carpet - instead of being scared around by a really worried Trapperlady-Assistant-Substitute!
I also wonder about the Arctic Tern. They are so small and could easily be buried in the snow - at least their eggs! Of course they are annoying, but I still don't want them to lose everything that they have really fought for! From a very trustworthy source (Polarbird scientist Dr. Geir Wing Gabrielsen) I hear that all the birds have good chances of surviving! I really hope that Geir is right, and that both all my girlfriends and their chicks will survive!
Even the dogs are mopping, and Bajas even spent several hours INSIDE his house today! The only ones that seem to be happy are a couple of snow buntings who are jumping around all over the place! The Trapper-lady-Assistant-Substitute is waiting for warmer weather and rapidly melting of the new snow! Best regards from winterly Mushamna in the middle of the summer!
During the day, the temperature has risen from minus 1 to plus 1, but it is still snowing! I have gathered a lot of new snow for water - which is the only positive thing about all this! My poor eider-girlfriends who stay stubbornly in their nests I can see as small black spots in the white - only their little heads are visible! I have moved around very carefully today, as I suppose the birds are better off under their white carpet - instead of being scared around by a really worried Trapperlady-Assistant-Substitute!
I also wonder about the Arctic Tern. They are so small and could easily be buried in the snow - at least their eggs! Of course they are annoying, but I still don't want them to lose everything that they have really fought for! From a very trustworthy source (Polarbird scientist Dr. Geir Wing Gabrielsen) I hear that all the birds have good chances of surviving! I really hope that Geir is right, and that both all my girlfriends and their chicks will survive!
Even the dogs are mopping, and Bajas even spent several hours INSIDE his house today! The only ones that seem to be happy are a couple of snow buntings who are jumping around all over the place! The Trapper-lady-Assistant-Substitute is waiting for warmer weather and rapidly melting of the new snow! Best regards from winterly Mushamna in the middle of the summer!