The Golden Paulownia Award Gala

Meeting the Foreign Minister of China, Yang Jiechi
The Minister of Culture and me
Møte med kulturminister Cai Wu
Møte med utenriksminister
Vanlig trafikkbilde i smågatene
Qinamen. Pedestrian street; what a relief!
Yes, gågate!
Preparing Peking Duck
Nice dining at Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant
Glitter og stas!
Kinesisk "rundbord" i midten så alle får smake all mat!
Receiving The Golden Paulownia Award from Mr Liu Changle,
On behalf of Kings Bay I am honoured to accept this price. Ny-Ålesund is a scientific station close to the North Pole. In the land of snow, ice, polar bears and Santa Claus, Kings Bay provide infrastructure to welcome scientists from all over the world. China is one of ten nations running their own station in our research village Ny-Ålesund, investigating the effects of climate changes in the Arctic environment.
One of the biggest challenges for the scientists is to educate people about the human made influence on the climate. With these superb documentaries, Phoenix Satellite Television is helping scientists to spread information about global warming directly to people all over the world. The understanding of local effects from climate changes is valuable in teaching people that we have to care for our world.
On behalf of Kings Bay and hard working scientists, I would like to thank Phoenix Satellite Television for helping us all in this important task. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to bring this price back to colleagues and scientists at Spitsbergen. It will encourage us in the further work. Congratulations to Phoenix Satellite television for producing a great documentary!
2 kommentarer:
Synes du var veldig sveisen jeg - mellom de to "missene"!
Det er jo Jackie Chan som synder, he he he. Ja han elsker jo å synge.
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