Ingen dag er lik i Ny-Ålesund! Driftsfesten var knapt over for enkelte da andre måtte ut i båt for å ta i mot trosser for dagens cruiseskip. Skipet var ventet inne klokke åtte om morgenen, men
lte opp litt før. En passasjer om bord hadde fått hjerteinfarkt. Dermed måtte sykehus og helikopter varsles. Og allrede klokka halv ti hadde vi både tatt i mot båt og helikopter, kjørt
"ambulanse" og deltatt i førstehjelp på pasienten. Det er en kjennsgjerning at de fleste cruisebåtturistene er av den eldre garde. Dette fikk Ny-Ålesund smertelig merke i 2008, da hele tre tilfeller med hjerteinfarkt ble brakt i land i løpet av ei uke! Vi håper inderlig dette blir det første og siste tilfellet i år...
Resten av dagen suste av gårde i et vell av arbeidsoppgaver, som alle hastet like mye... På kaia skulle nytt gjerde opp og dekk på utsida av kaia sikres. Matpauser og trekaffe gikk med til hjullasterkjøring for å forberede helgens Midtsommerfest. Etter endt arbeidsdag var det lite futt
As days go by
In Ny-Ålesund you never know what the day will bring! Some people had hardly ended the "drifts"party before others had to go out with the Polar Circle boats to get mooring lines from the first big cruise ship of the day. The ship was expected to arrive at eight o'clock in the morning. But already at seven they called us up at the VHF. A person on board suffered from a heart attack and medical aid was needed. Within half past nine we had notified Longyearbyen hospital, welcomed the boat to the quay, brought the man to the airport and greeted the ambulance helicopter. Many of the cruise passengers at Spitsbergen are old people and in 2008 we had three heart attacks during one week! We hope this is the first and last one this
The rest of the day went along with thousand things that should have been done yersterday. A new security fence is put up at the harbour, tender tires are fixed and ID-cars for the Kings Bay staff are signed. In the lunch and coffe brakes we also took part in preparing for the weekend's big event - The Mid Summer Party. But before the party we needed a brake. After a long sleep on the coach we were ready to
leave for Dærten. Crossing the glacier by skis was still possible. And due the Midnight Sun, it did not matter that we had to save up some energy before departure. Late in the night we had dinner while looking at the seals playing by the shore. Next day we just made it back in time for dinner at the Mid Summer Party. Arriving in the ski gear made sence, as the theam this year was "Upside down, inside out and backwards". Skis at Mid summer is kind of backward...